Monday 14 January 2008

Cleaning out my closet

I had a rare weekend this past weekend.

I actually stayed at my own apartment and got to enjoy it by myself.

I know that sounds a bit anti-social, but I have been running my tail off, and it's so nice to take a break from everything. I did have a great visit with my mom and sis on Saturday, and then I retired to my apartment for some major laundry (I hadn't done laundry in like a month, but because of my obsession with Victoria's Secret, I did not run out of underwear) As Saturday night rolled around, I lounged around in my BCBG velour sweats, went to Blockbuster and rented The Nanny Diaries, opened a bottle of Sauv. Blanc and had a wonderful night to myself. I truly think you need those every once in a while, especially when life is crazy and things happen to you that you don't understand. The Nanny Diaries was the perfect rental - much better than the book.

Sunday brought a trip to church (and a renewal of my baptism!) then I spent all afternoon at home cleaning out my closet. Thanks to View from the Porch, I had the perfect plan, and I feel so much better knowing what's in my closet and thinning out the stuff that I don't wear.

I would strongly encourage you to do the same - it makes you feel so good and you can find out about all the clothes you have been forgetting! Plus, it just is so wonderful to see a clean closet!

I need to stop spending money - I made it to the outlet malls the other day and brought home three pairs of high quality cute shoes (they were only $20 a piece for designer shoes!) and a timeless black sheath dress from BCBG for $33 as well as an adorable red jacket for $40. I figure I should end my shopping with some great purchases!

Happy Closet Cleaning,



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