Thursday 10 April 2008

Rain, rain, go away...

It is pouring here in Missouri today. P-O-U-R-I-N-G. And they are calling for horrid storms tonight. I actually love listening to storms and watching the lightning - when I am safe in shelter and do not have to worry about tornadoes and hail. BUT I hate tornadoes. HATE them. So I hope they stay away. As a child, I used to be so scared of them I would actually cry after the weatherman told me there was just a tornado watch, not even a warning, just a watch. Yes, I was a bit dramatic, even back then.

So, pray for me that they do not come and visit my great state. I have been through two of them, but they were nothing too intense, and I have no desire to make like Twister and chase them around.

Anyway, back to rainy day fashion. I am working on a college campus right now, and it's been raining a lot lately. Everyday, as I walk from the parking garage to my office, I pass lots of college students. Things have not changed much since I did the college thing - most people wear pj's and sweats to class because they can hop out of bed at 7:50 and run to class before it starts at 8 a.m. One thing has changed. EVERY girl is now wearing little wellies or rain boots in a rainbow of colors and patterns with their sweats tucked into them. (Sadly, I couldn't find a picture of that, but use your imagination.)

Now, rain boots have gotten super cute, so I would have embraced that completely as a student, but with sweats? The combo is not really that flattering. I guess it's cute in a college-student kind of way, but not all that fashionable. Your thoughts?

Oh, those college days. I certainly do sometimes miss them.

Check out these sweet boots - they are leather but rain-ready. I would love a pair of these, but they are $325...

Here's another great pair that are a bit more stylish than the rest! At $116, I just might consider it.


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