Wednesday 22 July 2009

You Can Tell If a Woman is Crazy Before You Start Dating Her

I’ve known crazy dating women. Let me go a step further, I’ve known women whose mere mention brings a glimmer of sweat over my upper lip. My focus today is such a woman. Far too many of 100 ft. from her door . Today I’ll present the top ten signs that you are dealing with a woman of the psychotic persuasion.

Clue 1: Check out her eyebrows
This is the sure-fire way to tell you’re dealing with a nut. I’m not sure about the correlation, but have you ever seen America’s Most Wanted list of the most dangerous women in the country? They’ve all got those almost none existent brows that look penciled in. Think about the scary women in your own life. Can you see their face yet? They’ve got devil brows, don’t they?

Clue 2: She refers to herself as “hot”
A girl who refers to herself as “hot” should be a flashing sign signaling you’re heading over the cliffs. Do you think Tyra Banks marches around New York proclaiming she’s “hot”? No, she doesn’t have to do this because it’s obvious to everyone else, and herself, that she’s a sizzling babe. So a find woman who goes around proclaiming her own stunningness is likely to have insecurity issues. On the surface, it seems she’s confident, but in time, time you’ll likely regret spending on her, you’ll find her seeming confidence to be a mask.

Clue 3: She’s devoted to watching What Not to Wear
Any single dating woman who takes joy in watching people have their style, clothes and, basically, everything about their lifestyle ridiculed in front of millions of people has a slight stripe of meanness running rampant.


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